Live Chat with Remote Recording Sharing Screen and Keyboard Mouse Control

FixOverflow Chat empowers Github project authors to perform online consultation service to earn incomes

  • customer payment charging scheme based on chat duration.
  • new customer contact channel for instant anonymous chat.
  • video, voice, chat, screen sharing, co-browse.
  • recording video voice chat conversaton.
  • remote control customer keyboard mouse.
  • new customer contact channel for instant anonymous chat.

Effective Chats with Voice, Video & Screen Share

Service staff is able to check the facial expression of customer to decide if customer understand the solution subject matters.

Service staff video chat recording

With prior consent from customer client, agent can start and stop the video recording at any time according to his operation needs. Video files are stored locally on the app.

Remote Control Customer Keyboard Mouse during Live Chat

Trouble-shoting on the installation issues has become never been easeir before.

Service staff is able to install software directly on the customer desktop and illustrate the know how of the solution.

Identity hidden anonymous chats

  • Each chat room comes with a out of box contact form with URL for public access.
  • The identity of the anonymous users on public internet and your identity as service staff are hidden.
  • Your identity, email address registered at FlixOverflow would never be exposed to customers.
  • Service staff can answer chat from a normal browser, 2ConnectMe app or WhatsApp.